Hope Vere Heritage Tour
to Scotland April 28th -- May 7th 2016
Name 1______________________________________________
Name 2______________________________________________
City _______________________ST____________Zip_______
Email _______________________________________________
Passport #_____________________________________________
Names Should be same as passport.
Please tick one of the following:
_____ We will share a room_______________________________
_____ I would like to be allocated a roommate________________
_____ I would like to reserve a single room___________________
( Single room supplement # 525.00
Any allergies, phobia,medical conditions, special needs or dietary needs
we should be aware of?
**Price $2.995.00 Based on Double Occupancy (Airfare Not Included)
Single Room Supplement $525.00 pay $500.00 PP Deposit
With Full Discounted Balance $2495 by March, 28th 2016
Check/ Money order $_______________for__________person(s)
( Please make check payable to Hope Vere Anderson Heritage Tours)
*please charge $____________________to my credit card
Visa/Mastercard card # _____________________________________
Exp Date _____/______
Security# _____________ on back of card
Name on card_________________________________________
*please be aware that a 4% proceeing fee will be added if paying by
credit card.
Please download form and mail to Hope Vere Anderson.
P.O. Box 1577 Murfreesboro, TN 37133
Cancellation policy: Before Jan,28th $100 Administrantion fee
After Feb, 28th No Refund.